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A, B, A type Forexprros pilon fracture was stabilized with a one-third tubular plate and indirect reduction techniques. The Model 91 was also infamous among programmers for not providing precise exceptions. Figure 14. 86 Biomaterials in the Design and Reliability of Medical Devices Index 489 alignment, 432 fusing, 435 interpretation of, 436 3-D regions of interest (ROI), 285 3-D visualization, 37580 Thresholding, 74, 28586 global, 286 local adaptive, 286 minimum error, 287 Otsu, 287 TIKAL, 266 Time-frequency plane, 59 Tissue microarrays (TMAs), 194 Tissue segmentation, 36164 Total internal reflectance fluorescence (TIRF), 16 Total internal reflection microscopy, 13 Tracing, 77 Tracking, 77 Bayesian, 22728 cell, 300, 34950 Digital Fish project, 34950 fast marching cell phase, 30710 imaging task, 77 mitotic cell nuclei, 28788 multihypothesis (MHT), 25455, 281 multiple particle (MPT), 22627 particle, 22370 region, 45457 ROI, 454, 456 visual approaches, 300 Transmitted light microscopy, 25 True-positive results, 382 Trunk mesoderm anlage (TMA), 166 Tubes, precioo U ICA, 65 ISOMAP, 66 KPCA, 65 LLE, 66 PCA, 6465 V Ultrasound (US), 441 Unbiased line detection algorithm, 178 Undersegmentation, 383 Unmixing problems, 106 Unsupervised, data driven representation and analysis methods, 6466 GPCA, 66 Yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), 38, 91 Z Zebrafish, 340 cellular structure reconstruction, 36061, 384 phenotyping studies, 37980 Zone integrals, 133 Velocimetry algorithm, 45153 Ventral nerve cord primordium (VNCP), 166 Video-enhanced DIC, 13 Video-microscopy background estimation, 17881 intracellular trafficking models in, 17274 Visualization cell cycle research tool, 31314 Digital Fish project, 352 3-D, 37580 Visualization Toolkit (VTK), 347 Voronoi-based segmentation, 75 Voronoi tessellation, 367, 368 W Watershed algorithm, 318 cytoplasm segmentation with, 32627 defined, 327 Watershed segmentation, 75 Wavelet packets (WPs), 63 Wavelet transform (WT), 62 Widefield microscope, 9193 components for fluorescence imaging, 92 incoherent point spread function, 9293 principle, 9192 Y DNA Hybridization Detection by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 69 References Akin MR et al.
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